Who am I ?
My name is Bartlomiej Rutkowski, I come from Poland (currently living in Krak�w, Poland) and I am 24 years old graphic designer. I had finished studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna�, Poland and gained master degree in June 2005.
What is that ?
You have reached my personal web page which is also (and foremost) my online showcase. RobakDesign is my own brand founded somtime about year 2002 under which I publish my works, but its first part "robak" is my artistic nickname derivied from old times of Commodore 64 demo scene (I was cover and graphic artist, swapper from time to time, member of Alliance, Ufoki Dezajn and today also Samar groups) in years of 1995-1996. In these days I used to sign my works either as Robak or RobakDesign.
What can I do ?
Wide variety of things actually. Mainly I design graphics, create identities (logos, leaflets, brochures, business cards, letter paper etc.), create and code web pages in
the spirit of highest Internet trends and standards, that are both attractive and accessible - some of them have been even awarded and noticed by ScreenSpire.com, Design Melt Down, Light on Dark and CssMania CSS galleries. I also have experience and knowledge in administration of UNIX systems (mainly great *BSD family) in every aspect, in security testing of Wi-Fi (802.11*) networks and many other IT related areas. If you want to know more use contact to ask for my current CV.
Will I work for you ?
If you pay for my work then sure, why not. I am always open to any proposal from any company/person seeking good designer/web developer/system administrator. I am working as freelancer for a long time, so I have experience in successfully completing many kinds of tasks. And if you like my job you can also employ me permanently, as I am not tied to any position forever.
If you can't pay me ?
I am not heartstoned. If you run some personal interests that are not commercial and fight for a better cause (like an Open Source project, etc.) you can try asking me for help. I can't tell you here that I`ll help for sure or that I`ll do it in a very short time, but I won't tell you just "NO" probably. You must try, and please remeber that my day has also only 24 hours and I must sleep (I don't know why, really) sometimes too.
Do I know how to do ... ?
I know a lot of things ;). If you explain me what your trouble is and it will be my job related then I`ll try to help you in some manner (usefull links, code parts etc.) but don't expect me to do your homework.
And this page is for.. ?
This page is for you. Yes, for you. You may find here everything you might need to know about me, my skills and my works. I`ll update it when I find some spare time, but it won't ever hold all of my design works. Just the latest. Also, it is designed to keep in mind easy navigation, accessibility and W3C standards compliance. It is all written in XTML Strict and CSS to separate presentation layer from content layer.
Architecture, Landscape and Portrait Photography
I treat photography more as an art and less as a work and I am driven by creating aesthetically pleasing pictures that aim to contain the atmosphere I've encountered when making the pictures. Since an image is worth a thousand words and I believe pictures should be able to speak for themselves I won't be talking any more about them and let you make up your own mind about my photography - check out my architecture, landscape and portrait photography
What now ?
Now go, and see if you like my works. Then, if you like them, you can write to me and if you don't then you can write to me also. And remember to visit this page often to see if there is something new on it. Enjoy! (And if you are looking for Windows Vista - you wont find it here:)